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JAFF Market is a Meeting Center for Indonesian Filmmakers

August 31, 2024

Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival (JAFF) will for the first time organize JAFF Market this year.

JAFF Market is an industry event that is expected to become a hub and networking tool for the entire Indonesian film ecosystem.

JAFF Market will be held on December 3-5, 2024 at Jogja Expo Center, Yogyakarta. “In several major film festivals such as Cannes, Berlin, Toronto, including Busan, they have their event industry, in this context is the film market,” said Ifa Isfansyah as JAFF Festival Director in a press conference in Central Jakarta, Friday (30/8/2024).

JAFF Market is expected to bring many collaborations that ultimately advance the Indonesian film industry.

“Starting from the big players, namely big studios, boutique studios, the government, all those who have declared they are professionals in film will meet at the film market. that’s what we initiated through JAFF Market,” said Ifa.

In addition to production houses, JAFF Market also invites creators, intellectual property (IP) owners, communities, government agencies, brands, and movie lovers to attend. Later, there will be various booths for exhibitors, to introduce various projects that have been worked on, are being, and will be produced.

So far, there have been 50 exhibitors registered from a total quota of around 150 exhibitors. The first year of JAFF Market received full support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia.
“In the implementation of the first year of JAFF Market, we hope to become a collaboration space that is able to open up great opportunities for filmmakers and stakeholders, especially investors, to meet and network with each other,” said Ahmad Mahendra, Director of Film, Music and Media at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.

The programs presented at JAFF Market are JAFF Future Project, JAFF Content Market, JAFF Market Partnership Forum, JAFF Market Screening Room, as well as Talent Day and Reel Life Film Camp, two programs in collaboration with NETFLIX.
Network Event is also present to open and expand the network of industry players and the film ecosystem which is casual and occurs outside JAFF Market working hours.
