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Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival 2023

May 10, 2024

31 July, 2023

The Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival (JAFF) is calling for Asian film submissions for their 18th edition, to be shown in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, from 25 November to 2 December 2023.

JAFF is a premier Asian film festival in Indonesia focusing on the development of Asian cinema. This festival not only contributes to introducing Asian cinema to a wider public in Indonesia, but it also provides a space for the intersection of many sectors such as arts, culture, and tourism.

Since its inception, JAFF has worked closely with NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asia Pacific Cinema), a worldwide organization of 30 member countries. NETPAC is a pan-Asian film and cultural organization involving critics, filmmakers, festival organizers, curators, distributors, and exhibitors, as well as educators.

JAFF presents several awards to the best films in Asia such as Golden Hanoman Award, Silver Hanoman Award, NETPAC Award, Blencong Award, Geber Award, Jogja Students Film Award, and JAFF-Indonesian Screen Awards to express the deepest appreciation for Asian cinema.


JAFF accepts feature films (over 45 minutes) and short films (under 45 minutes) in narrative, documentary, experimental or animated form.

Submissions are only open to Asian or Indonesian films or films that have relations with Asian countries.

Films must have English subtitles.

JAFF application guidelines

Deadline: 31 July 2023